Ansys apdl command
Ansys apdl command

ansys apdl command

Although it runs in a different workspace (chunk of memory in the ANSYS database) it talks to standard APDL by importing and exporting APLD arrays (vectors or matrices). It is an extension to the APDL command language that drives MAPDL. This posting is just going to cover the basics so that you know what the tool can be used for in case you need it in the future, and hopefully motivate some of you to take a long look at the help. There is a lot of capability in this tool. Now it gives you access that you needed custom FORTRAN code to get to in the past… or NASTRAN DMAP, which is really something none of us ever want to do.

ansys apdl command

It kind of snuck in over time, with the developers adding more and more capability each release.

ansys apdl command

And most users don’t even know it is there. It is one of the most powerful, uber-user, deep down under the hood, wrapping your hands around the neck of what FEA is, capabilities in the ANSYS Mechanical APDL (MAPDL) solver. Another option is to use the coupled damage-plasticity microplane model detailed here.

ansys apdl command

If you define the MISO model this way, then an error is thrown indicating that the PLAS option is not supported by solid65.Īnother option to combine a concrete model + a plasticity model, is to use current elements, e.g., solid185, which allows you to combine the Extended Drucker-Prager model with the MISO model you can see supported material model combinations here. You can see additional details and an APDL command example of defining the MISO model here. Note that the current method for defining a MISO model uses the PLAS label, as detailed in the TB command help page for instance: This does appear to be supported as long as you're using the deprecated method to define the MISO model (as you're doing in your command object). ,it appears that you want to pair the solid65 concrete model with a multilinear isotropic hardening (MISO) model.

Ansys apdl command